Complaints can arise through simple misunderstanding or genuine dissatisfaction. Discussing the matter usually determines its cause and identifies a solution that satisfies all parties. If you are unhappy in any way at all, please tell us so we can do something about it for you.

You can make a complaint or offer any other feedback to us via email, phone or post. Use the form on this page if this suits your requirements – our full contact details are here.

It is our policy to notify any person about whom a complaint has been made as soon as possible in order that they can be made aware of the situation. There may be exceptions to this; for example, if the complaint relates to a suspicion of abuse or neglect.

Link CM Ltd will acknowledge any complaint within 72 hours and secure a resolution within 21 days through a nominated, independent person within the company who will investigate the complaint. Where required – for example, where complaints are made against a Director – an external manager or associate may be appointed to deal with the complaint.

Should the nominated person be absent through holiday or sickness, etc., a temporary nominee will handle the matter in their absence in order that the service standard be maintained.

A Director reviews complaints and concerns on a monthly basis to ensure they have been appropriately dealt with, and to ensure that the creation or review of any systems enabling us to do better in the future are put into place. This is part of our policy of continuous improvement. A record of these reviews is maintained.

Complaints are discussed at senior management level and brought to our Case Manager meetings so that, as a team, we can discuss and identify what we have learnt from the complaint, using this as an opportunity to learn and to improve our service.